Learning about Forests & Eco-Schools at UNESCO World Conference

Anna Linehan and Eric O’Donnell, Student and Teacher from Thomond Community College, Ireland are attending the UNESCO World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development - representing Learning about Forests and Eco-Schools Global!

On 18 May, they're joining the session "ESD in secondary education". The session explores how ESD activities could be best introduced in secondary education and discuss some success factors in effectively implementing ESD.

Our student Anna, over her time in Thomond Community College, has consistently displayed an awareness of environmental issues, while also balancing that with an understanding of how communities, both local and global, need to be able to provide for themselves.

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Anna has taken part in the Learning about Forests - LEAF Ireland programme, as well as the preparation and planting of An Coill Bheag (a Tiny Forest) at the back of the school, helping to greatly enhance the biodiversity of the school.

Anna has also been an active member of the Green-Schools Eco Committee and engaged in actitivies to encourage staff and pupils to think about their actions on #biodiversity.

Anna said: “I would love to participate in the UNESCO Conference panel, as I have a curiosity and will to discover what can be done for sustainable development, such as awareness of unnecessary consumption and what can be done in our communities. It is important for our earth to thrive off our actions, as we put work into our schools, companies and all around community.”

We look forward to listening in! The session will be recorded and shared! You can follow the live events at www.en.unesco/events/ESDfor2030

#LearnForOurPlanet #ESDfor2030 #leaf #ecoschools #LEAFanywhere