Best Practice Competition
Discover the five winners of the competition below!
A School Garden for Wildlife and Pupils
Be Keen to Make the Earth Green
Lythrodontas Forest, Flora and Fauna (LYF)
Vertical Hydroponics Garden: Increasing the Resiliency of Infrastructure in an Eco-School Environment to Combat the threats of Climate Change
Forest Restoration and Biodiversity in Monte da Fraga
Photo by: ADEGA-GN Hábitat-OMA UDC.
About the competition
The GAIA 20:30 Biodiversity Best Practice Competition focuses on actions to protect global biodiversity. In this competition, Eco-Schools, LEAF, YRE schools, Blue Flag sites and Green Key establishments are encouraged to showcase their current or previous projects around the topic of biodiversity.
Participants are invited to submit 1 project/story connected with the GAIA 20:30 biodiversity goals:
Preserving existing and creating new forests or natural areas, e.g. school gardens, parks, green neighbourhoods, site and establishment grounds, etc.;
Promoting sustainable management of the coastal zone;
Combatting pollinator and insect loss;
Raising awareness of and supporting actions to remove invasive alien species.
Increase the involvement of schools, sites and establishments in environmental education;
Instil the sense that even small actions can make a big difference in the protection of the local biodiversity;
Promotion of local biodiversity actions;
Promote critical thinking by a “go and see” study approach (learning by doing);
Train youth as advocates for conservation;
Inspire others on how to increase biodiversity within their own communities.
Assessment and Awards
Each project will be assessed via a jury of experts. Winning entries in different programme categories will be awarded a certificate and the story will be promoted as part of FEE’s communications.
How to submit your ENTRY?
Download the Best Practice template and fill it out.
Submit your Best Practice using the submission form below.
Submitted projects/stories must be in English and can be submitted until April 15, 2022.
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Declaration of Consent for the Processing of Personal Information and the Use of Videos and Photo Stories Submitted
When submitting an entry to this competition, you agree that we can process your personal data provided in the submission form. We process the data so that we can register your participation, share the entry online, and assess it according to the competition criteria. Necessary permission, e.g., for photographing children’s faces are the responsibility of the author and must be sought. All 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners will be saved in our archives and used by FEE International to promote the winners, the campaign and the programmes.
You always have the option to withdraw your consent and your entry to the competition.
The Data Controller is:
Foundation for Environmental Education
Scandiagade 13, 2450 Copenhagen SV, DENMARK
+45 70 22 24 27